At the beginning of last summer, while working in my yard one Saturday, I turned my foot on a tree root arising to the surface of the ground. I felt a “pop” and twinge of pain not unlike anything I had experienced before. I thought I had a slight sprain, perhaps. I continued to work in the yard, hobbling around, thinking the mild pain would cease. Within an hour my shoe was too tight to wear from the swelling. When I took my shoe off my foot was swollen, red and sore. Because I worked for a podiatrist I thought I could wait until Monday to have it looked at. After all, it was “just a sprain.”
On Monday, I drove to work and hobbled inside. I still wasn’t experiencing much pain so I continued thinking it was sprained. I had elevated the leg above my heart all day Sunday and Sunday night in bed which kept the swelling down. X-rays were taken and Dr. Lewis came into the exam room with startling news: “your foot is fractured on the lateral side (outside).” I was shocked and Dr. Lewis said that I should be experiencing more pain. Dr. Lewis casted my leg up to the knee for stability. My instructions were to remain non-weight bearing for 6-8 weeks. I had crutches to use and did ok with them but renting a knee scooter or walker would have made non-weight bearing life much easier. The object being no weight applied to the foot whatsoever so it could heal. X-rays were taken every two weeks to assess bone growth within the fracture. If this fracture did not heal I was looking at surgery. A new cast was reapplied every two weeks due to the cast loosening when swelling subsided. My summer of painting inside my house and yard work outside the house was cancelled. Driving was also out of the question due that the injury happened to my right foot.
The time came when the cast came off for good. Bone had grown within the fracture and Dr. Lewis was pleased with the results. A surgical shoe was worn for two more weeks that I could walk with and be weight bearing. The surgical shoe provides stability to the foot while muscles and tendons begin to work again. Be aware and take care when walking on uneven ground. Wear boots that stabilize the ankles and have a stiff shank (arch area in shoe) to stabilize your feet.
Wendy Taggart